Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Midland mainline to Luton

On Saturday we visited our ex-Sonata friends at Luton. This was a long delayed trip, mainly because of my health during the last 3 months. Mohan had given an excellent recommendation of the Midland mainline over the First Connect trains. So I was determined to make it in time for the infrequent Midland trains.

As it turned out, we were delayed by rains and laziness and only managed the 12.30 instead of the intended 11.30. The journey was however very short, Luton was the first stop just 25 minutes away. The train, as promised, was very clean and the wet weather added a touch of romance to the scenic landscape. Rohan and I realised what we have been missing by not having travelled outside London and decidedly instantly to make the most of the coming months (before baby arrives).

It was a wonderful afternoon. It was great catching up and reminiscing about Sonata days. Food was in the form of a good authentic Indian lunch followed by tea at Satish's and snacks and sweets at Aurosish's place.

Families all

The above picture sums up the group - except for the photographer Kamakshya - the bachelor excluded from the family picture ;). Mummy Bini is proudly displaying a tummy, well ok, its not so evident in the above picture but I hope you can tell its not flat anymore :) That's a 14 week tummy!

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