Friday, August 18, 2006

Another week gone by

Fetal development facts at 15 weeks-
Starting this week, any stomach rumblings you feel may be your baby trying out some acrobatics, since she can now move all her limbs. She's also becoming sensitive to light. If you shine a torch at your tummy, she's likely to move away from the beam.

That's really wow!

I've been more out and about this week. Starting with lunch and church on Sunday, christianity explored on Tuesday (huge terrible mix-up with Rohan!!!) and the mom's bible study (where urs truly played host for the first time) on Thursday. Its been an active week, yet, I need to force myself to get out for walks. Come winter and I would be loath to do it anyway. Best to make it a habit now.

Just found out - At fifteen weeks I'm officially into the second trimester. Yippee!!

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