Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Oh! to be a child

It snowed heavily in England today.

Me: If it snows like this we wont be able to go to school tomorrow
3yo: I want the snow to stop, because I want to ride my scooter to school tomorrow
Me: Um..hm
3yo: And I want it to snow on my way back, because I want to walk

Monday, November 29, 2010

You surprise me

We are playing 'doctor-doctor'. Nidhi is the doctor and picks up a notepad and pen to give me a prescription. She uses a whole sheet of paper, and writes letters all over the page, to prescribe 'P-a-r-i-s-i-m-o-l-l'.

That's her single-handed attempt at spelling Paracetamol.

Some of her remarks on the phone to Amma today:
"I want to get married in summer"
"Last night God disturbed my sleep"

Talking about her birthday
3yo: Can we have a party outside in the garden for my birthday?
Me: It will be very cold in February, Tochi
3yo: No, we can wear coats
Me: It will be cold. Everyone would like to be indoors, no one would want to be outside.
3yo: (getting upset) Nooo... I want to have a birthday in summer

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

How things were

I wrap Nidhi in a towel and pick her out of the bath. I haven't dried her completely, and as I enter the bedroom, I realise that she must be cold. Setting her down on the floor, I ask her to go quickly and stand in front of the heater.

As she is standing there, letting me wipe the rest of the water off her, she remarks: "In the olden days, when there were no towels.." .. pause.. "...and there were heaters, people used to dry their children on the heaters."


The monarch lay upon his bier,
Censers were burning low,
As through the loft arches streamed
The setting sun's red glow.
Still grasped he in his hand the blade
Which well-fought fields had won,
And Aurungzebe beside him knelt,
Usurper proud and son!

Remorse had stricken his false heart
And quenched his wonted fire,
With gloomy brow and look intent
He gazed upon his sire:
Can tyrant death make him afraid?
Hot tears burst from his eyes
As thus his grief found vent in words
To the warrior-train's surprise

"Father, thou wert the goodliest king
That e'er the sceptre swayed,
How could I then lift up my arm
Against thee undismayed,
How could I send thee here to pine
Usurp the peacock-throne
O had I perished in the womb
That deed were left undone.

See, all is changed that was estranged,
Awake my sire, my king,
See, soldiers in their war array
Thy son in fetters bring!
Thy rebel son who will abide
Thy word whate'er it be,
And fearless meet the wrack or steel
Rise up once more and see!

Thou wilt not hear, thou wilt not speak,
It is the last long sleep.
And am I not a king myself?
What means these stirrings deep?
O foolish eyes, what means this rheum?
I will not call them tears;
My heart that nothing e'er could daunt
Is faint with boding fears.

The past appears! a checkered field
Of guilt and shame and war,
What evil influence ruled my birth,
What swart malignant star?
Why did I barter peace of mind
For royal pomp and state?
Mad for the baleful meteor’s gleam
With worldly joys elate.

Remembered voices speak my name
And call me parricide,
The murdered Dara beckons me -
He was thy joy and pride:
And thus I fling the dear-bought crown,
But whither can I fly?
The awful thought still follows me
That even kings will die.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

With dad

Rohan (to Nidhi): I love you more than there are birds in the sky
3yo (to dad): I love you more than there are cows in the ground

R: I love you more than there are stars in the sky
3yo (to dad): I love you more than there are moons.... umm... more than there are ducks in the river

R: I love you more than there are pebbles on the beach
3yo (to dad): I love you more than there is sand in my school

R: I love you..
3yo: (jumping in before he can finish): I love you more than you love me

Rohan and me are sitting and Nidhi approaches us menacingly.
3yo: I am pretending to be a lion (she pronounces it line)
Me: To be a what?
3yo: A line
Me: It's not line, it's lion
3yo: To be a line
Me: Lie-yun
3yo: I am pretending to be a lie-yern
Me to Ro: You try
Ro: Tochi, it's lie-un
{By this point 3yo probably wants to tear us both apart}
Since she isn't saying anything I ask: What are you pretending to be?
3yo: (pause) A leopard