Monday, November 24, 2008


We are almost fully potty trained now (except for outdoors, I dont know how to deal with public toilets; and night time). My laundry load is considerably lightened! :-)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Word associations

Our night time routine now includes story telling. We listen to thirsty crow, greedy dog and hare and the tortoise every night. Sometimes we tell the story together,
Me: Once upon a time there was a ..
N: crow
Me: He was very ..
N: thirsty
Me: He flew all around looking for ..
N: water
Me: But the only water he could find was in a ..
N: tall jug

Nidhi will nowadays associate random things based on a single word. While listening to the story of the greedy dog, for instance, when we come to the part where the dog is crossing a bridge on a stream, she will say "like Thomas" (from a book on Thomas the tank engine where he is crossing a bridge) or she will say "like while you were sleeping", and when I show that I dont understand, she will say "six deer jumped over a silvery stream" (from her book 'While you were sleeping'). Her memory continues to amaze me.

Weaning is proving difficult, as I had expected it would be. I am putting my foot down about feeding outside home, and am trying to reduce day time feeds. She has a healthy appetite and feeds only for comfort or to get my attention / time.

She enjoys peeling oranges. She was watching me do it once and I let her have a go. Initially the activity kept her engaged for a good 15 minutes, but these days she does it in under 2 mins. Of course, these are the smaller oranges (mandarins, clementines). She understands small and big and keeps pointing out the difference in things on her own - small milk (1 pint bottle) and big milk (2 pint bottle), for instance.

She knows colours red, blue, yellow, orange, green, purple, pink, black, white and recently brown.

She understands the word 'belongs' which I thought was a tough one. Today at the restaurant, she pointed at her drinking cup and said "belong Tochi" , then at my glass and said "belong mummy" and then at Rohan's glass and said "belong daddy".

She has learned how to raise her eyebrows and has great fun doing it and making us do it. It had her squealing with delight for quite some time today.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Change is exciting!

I have been thinking of making a scrap book for Nidhi for a very long time. I have a few ideas but just dont know what kind of book to get , it must be one that will stand the test of time. Maybe I ought to give it serious thought and a good look-around to see what is available.

Already the first year seems like a blur and I seem to remember so little of what she was like. This blog is an attempt to capture it but a book is so much more personal and I can add bits that I cant do here (like her first painting). I think it would be wonderful.

So much has been happening these past few weeks. We are moving home (a bigger place) by the end of the month and I am gradually getting excited about that. Our home trip in January also nears and in the coming weeks we have to finalise lists and start shopping. Also on the anvil is a new job for Ro which sounds promising and not as stressful as the last one has been. And its hard to believe that N will be TWO YEARS OLD soon. And we have started thinking about the next one now and trying to decide about when is the right time. So much is going to happen in the near future, change is exciting!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Bibna aunty has a baby!!

Yesterday was such a happy day. Bibna has a baby boy born past noon India time via a normal delivery and from what I gather not a very prolonged labour, praise God.

Through the day I kept exclaiming what a happy day it was and when N gave me a strange look I had to explain it was because Bibna aunty has had a baby and that mummy is now an aunty. By the end of the day Nidhi was repeating the same thing to her dad :-)

She now knows to express herself so well. If I am on the phone for very long and she wants my attention , she grabs the telephone cable and goes "keep phone down". If daddy is reading a book and she wants someone to read to her, she goes and taps on his book and says "no reading, put it down". It is so charming that one cant help give in to her requests :-)

She wants to walk a lot when we go out and I dont like to deny her, I would hate being pushed around in a buggy all day. Today we walked a long way from Belmont Hill to Lewisham and she obediently held onto my hand and dint try to run onto the road at any time.

Her favorite song is Emerald City by The Seekers and her favorite cartoon is Charlie and Lola. She tries to sing along to Emerald City when it is playing and describes what C&L are upto while watching the program.

She now recognises numbers 1-5 and even pointed out the '1' in '10' today.

For some reason the past 2 weeks she has been acting fussy about emptying her bladder in the potty. I thought we were making good progress but now this. She runs to the farthest corner and protests very strongly if I suggest using the potty which is a far cry from when she used to follow me to the bathroom and pick up her potty herself when I suggested it. I'm not forcing her and am certain she will come around slowly. Maybe it is just a phase of asserting her independence. She refuses to sit on her chair for her meals, refuses to get dressed, to get undressed, to get into the bath, to get out of the bath, to sit in the buggy, so on and so forth. Yes, it may be all just a phase but that does not make it any easier when one is going through it!