Monday, November 24, 2008


We are almost fully potty trained now (except for outdoors, I dont know how to deal with public toilets; and night time). My laundry load is considerably lightened! :-)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Word associations

Our night time routine now includes story telling. We listen to thirsty crow, greedy dog and hare and the tortoise every night. Sometimes we tell the story together,
Me: Once upon a time there was a ..
N: crow
Me: He was very ..
N: thirsty
Me: He flew all around looking for ..
N: water
Me: But the only water he could find was in a ..
N: tall jug

Nidhi will nowadays associate random things based on a single word. While listening to the story of the greedy dog, for instance, when we come to the part where the dog is crossing a bridge on a stream, she will say "like Thomas" (from a book on Thomas the tank engine where he is crossing a bridge) or she will say "like while you were sleeping", and when I show that I dont understand, she will say "six deer jumped over a silvery stream" (from her book 'While you were sleeping'). Her memory continues to amaze me.

Weaning is proving difficult, as I had expected it would be. I am putting my foot down about feeding outside home, and am trying to reduce day time feeds. She has a healthy appetite and feeds only for comfort or to get my attention / time.

She enjoys peeling oranges. She was watching me do it once and I let her have a go. Initially the activity kept her engaged for a good 15 minutes, but these days she does it in under 2 mins. Of course, these are the smaller oranges (mandarins, clementines). She understands small and big and keeps pointing out the difference in things on her own - small milk (1 pint bottle) and big milk (2 pint bottle), for instance.

She knows colours red, blue, yellow, orange, green, purple, pink, black, white and recently brown.

She understands the word 'belongs' which I thought was a tough one. Today at the restaurant, she pointed at her drinking cup and said "belong Tochi" , then at my glass and said "belong mummy" and then at Rohan's glass and said "belong daddy".

She has learned how to raise her eyebrows and has great fun doing it and making us do it. It had her squealing with delight for quite some time today.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Change is exciting!

I have been thinking of making a scrap book for Nidhi for a very long time. I have a few ideas but just dont know what kind of book to get , it must be one that will stand the test of time. Maybe I ought to give it serious thought and a good look-around to see what is available.

Already the first year seems like a blur and I seem to remember so little of what she was like. This blog is an attempt to capture it but a book is so much more personal and I can add bits that I cant do here (like her first painting). I think it would be wonderful.

So much has been happening these past few weeks. We are moving home (a bigger place) by the end of the month and I am gradually getting excited about that. Our home trip in January also nears and in the coming weeks we have to finalise lists and start shopping. Also on the anvil is a new job for Ro which sounds promising and not as stressful as the last one has been. And its hard to believe that N will be TWO YEARS OLD soon. And we have started thinking about the next one now and trying to decide about when is the right time. So much is going to happen in the near future, change is exciting!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Bibna aunty has a baby!!

Yesterday was such a happy day. Bibna has a baby boy born past noon India time via a normal delivery and from what I gather not a very prolonged labour, praise God.

Through the day I kept exclaiming what a happy day it was and when N gave me a strange look I had to explain it was because Bibna aunty has had a baby and that mummy is now an aunty. By the end of the day Nidhi was repeating the same thing to her dad :-)

She now knows to express herself so well. If I am on the phone for very long and she wants my attention , she grabs the telephone cable and goes "keep phone down". If daddy is reading a book and she wants someone to read to her, she goes and taps on his book and says "no reading, put it down". It is so charming that one cant help give in to her requests :-)

She wants to walk a lot when we go out and I dont like to deny her, I would hate being pushed around in a buggy all day. Today we walked a long way from Belmont Hill to Lewisham and she obediently held onto my hand and dint try to run onto the road at any time.

Her favorite song is Emerald City by The Seekers and her favorite cartoon is Charlie and Lola. She tries to sing along to Emerald City when it is playing and describes what C&L are upto while watching the program.

She now recognises numbers 1-5 and even pointed out the '1' in '10' today.

For some reason the past 2 weeks she has been acting fussy about emptying her bladder in the potty. I thought we were making good progress but now this. She runs to the farthest corner and protests very strongly if I suggest using the potty which is a far cry from when she used to follow me to the bathroom and pick up her potty herself when I suggested it. I'm not forcing her and am certain she will come around slowly. Maybe it is just a phase of asserting her independence. She refuses to sit on her chair for her meals, refuses to get dressed, to get undressed, to get into the bath, to get out of the bath, to sit in the buggy, so on and so forth. Yes, it may be all just a phase but that does not make it any easier when one is going through it!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

A nasty fall

I have been about looking for nursery places for Nidhi since last week. This afternoon I visited another one, the closest to us and that was when Nidhi had her nastiest fall yet.

She is very uncooperative these days and determined to disobey. When we left from the nursery she insisted on walking up a ramp and around it to the other end which had two steps. I was patient the first time and then asked her to stop and get into the buggy. But she persisted in having another go and which point I started walking away. I turned just in time to see her stumble at the first step, bend forwards and fall headlong onto the floor.

A big swelling rose on the front of her forehead in no time and a long abrasion above the right eye. Fortunately she dint cry long and as soon as I put her down began to climb up another wall. Really!!

She's being having a blocked nose last few days which has now developed into a bad cough. This means we will be homebound for the next few days :-( I hope she does not need another course of antibiotics, she has had so many already.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

daabi daabi shataba

I thought I recognised every word that Nidhi utters until she threw up, "shola agade". It appeared to be some nursery rhyme since she sang it along to a tune, but try as hard as possible, I could not identify it. I kept telling Rohan I know everything she utters but for the life of me I dont know what this is. And he kept saying it might be some gibberish that means nothing. To vex me further she added another rhyme to this - "daabi daabi shataba". And I worried that one day she would just stop saying them and I would never know what they meant :-(

But I neednt have despaired. A couple of weeks ago "shola agade" was revealed as "Solomon Grundy" when she sang (or at least attempted) the rest of the rhyme. How thrilled was I when a few days later Humpty Dumpty revealed itself similarly :-) I am now a content mom.

Nidhi is now almost attempting sentences. She makes new combinations of words that she hasnt heard from me before which helps communicate her thoughts and interpretation of things she sees. This is such a major milestone towards self-expression. So far, her communication was limited to labeling objects and events - daddy's slippers or daddy bathroom, for example.

Last week I got new books for her from the library and at her insistence picked up a Noddy book of patterns. The first page showed Noddy in bed and she said instantly -"Noddy sleeping". Today at church when Mary took baby Emma in for a nappy change, Nidhi on noticing them not around said - "Emma gone"!!

Saturday, August 09, 2008

One and a half and some more

Nidhi now understands that "some more " means she can have more of what she wants. We hear a lot of requests for "some more this" and "some more that" several times a day. "mess" is what gets created when she is eating. "mummy cap" and "daddy cap" is request for appreciation (clap) when she does something praiseworthy. When daddy leaves the home he is going to "ofees", on a "train". On the days when he hasnt gone to "ofees" he goes "jaudding" (jogging).

She speaks so many distinct words now that it is hard for me to keep up. Several of them have funny pronunciations and she can get very frustrated if I dont understand what she is saying, as she has to repeat herself over and over. Today she kept going "sort..sort.." in the kitchen and I kept guessing smoke, steam, sand, until realisation finally dawned with "salt".

We had a day out in Finsbury park couple of weeks ago when she finally overcame her unease with sand. Until then she hated walking on it. At the sand pit in the park I showed her how she could fill the sand in a cup and pour it out, and then she was completely into it for hours. Getting her out of the sandpit when it was time to leave was a big struggle for mummy. Fortunately she is still quite easy to distract and settles quickly.

Nidhi turns one and a half today.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


One of Nidhi's latest additions to her vocabulary is the word "nice". She goes "naaeeeese!!" after a mouthful of something we think she finds pleasant. But she can be rather generous with it as well. So a spoon of her ever favorite plain yogurt is "nice", a wee bit of strawberry sauce is "naaaice", a sip of water when she is thirsty is "nice", and a dose of unexpectedly bitter medicine is also, you guessed it, "nice!". How can one complain with such an angel for a daughter.

She has been spending longer periods this week, at play with her toys. The animal puzzle can engross her the longest, and she is also taking a lot of interest in pretend play with her plastic wok set. Though, she mostly just pretends to be stirring and drinking coffee out of a cup.

Getting some new toys from the library has been helpful to provide her with variety. I also am shortlisting a set of books to purchase since the good ones at the local library are always on loan.

N had a difficult time going to bed today and as a result of which I have been up late, but for now, sleep beckons.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

More words

We've added more words in the past few weeks and several others that I missed listing earlier:

head, hair, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, teeth, neck, chest, tummy, betty butte (belly button), eybow (elbow), toes, knees, bat (back), neth (neck), hot, cold, tap, wate (water), curth (curd), nice, bye bye, shee u (see u), door, belt, moon, tar (star), flower, leaf, birdie.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Growing up oh so fast!

Since last week Nidhi has started qualifying objects when she refers to them. And so we have 'daddy towel' (no, we havent figured out the 'apostrophe s' part yet!), mummy shoes, nidhi shoes, and tanish (her local friend) cap.
Yesterday when we were reading a book about a mermaid and I asked if Nidhi had a tail like the mermaid, she said - "No"!
She counts from one to ten, but routinely misses seven, or mixes it with six :)
She sings several nursery rhymes, that are recognisable even to strangers (people remark about it on the bus and the train!).

I have several moments when I wish she wouldn't grow so fast, I feel like I am missing so much of her littlehood. AND I am at a stay-at-home mom, we are together practically 24x7x365, she even sleeps in our bed! But she is already combining words now, and soon she will be speaking in sentences and pronoucing words the proper way, and I am so going to miss her cute dialect and her baby pronunciations.

Of course there are moments when I wish she would just play with herself for a while so I can get some housework done but the wonderful times together more than make up for it. My best moments are when we huddle close together reading her favorite books over and over and over and over again.

Loud strange noises still bother us a lot, so the helicopter (or helicuppa) is still not a friend. I bought her a toy fish the other day and she calls it helicuppa, and actually they do kinda look the same, dont they :)

I've lost count of the number of words she says now but I am certain there are more than 50. Let me try listing as many as I can:mummy, daddy, amma, achacha, papa, ammama, aatee (aunty), uncke (uncle), cheta, chechi, baba (banana), maato (tomato), cadhet (carrot), oneng (orange), bothee(broccoli), potato, ice (rice), bed sticks (bread sticks), bidhet (biscuit), cheese, bed (bread), gaga (water), chair, bib, sofa, carpet, bath, tub, ball, baloo (balloon), cow, puppy, pussy cat, ayphant (elephant), capay (camel), tiger, beebaa (zebra), sheep, pig, cock-a-doodle-doo (yes that's how we identify the cockerel), chicken, duck, bee, butherthy (butterfly), annn (ant), horsey, birdie, hipopapapais (hippopotamus), airplane, helicuppa, wheeeee (for slide), potty, bed, waste, cap, coat, socks, shoes, towel, widtho (window), nappy, t-shirt, up, down, cup, feed, car, house, tissue, paper, ofees (office).

Friday, March 14, 2008

First words, first steps

Nidhi's vocabulary is rapidly expanding. Its another thing that few people would understand her! Her first word was 'bye', copying me one Sunday morning when I hung up the phone after speaking to my mom :) She calls me mummy, immy or mee depending on the urgency of the situation. Ro is daddeee or diddeee. The rest of the vocab includes - ba (ball), aapee (aeroplane), pee (pin), baboo (balloon) and ca (car).
Yesterday she took her first steps. When she knew I was thrilled by it she tried doing it again and again, even on the bed. I held her hands and made her walk the length of the room and delightedly told her that she was 'walking'. Today, when I tried asking her, if she would like to walk, she obediently crawled to where I was standing, stood up in front of me and held out her hands so that I could make her!!

Monday, March 03, 2008

A year already?

Nidhi completed a year on Feb 9th and we celebrated with a few close friends. As one of the mom's said, the first year is more a celebration for the parents than for the lil one, for you have survived!
The latest with Nidhi is that she is standing unsupported more and more and we are waiting for her to take her first steps. Her comprehension is very good, when she wants it to be. She has around 8-10 books and can correctly pick the one when I ask for it by its title. Is she a genius or not? :)
She has just one tooth so far, but fortunately no teething problems, except for biting me, which thankfully she has gotten over.
She has practically stopped sucking her thumb and am I so glad about that. I havent seen her do it since we moved back to London, at least that's something to cheer about. Other than that, her sleep is still erratic. And she is fussy about food. She does have a good appetite cos she can have bowlfulls of stuff she likes, BUT, she is very picky abt what she likes. This has even driven me to start a new blog, visit it here