Monday, March 03, 2008

A year already?

Nidhi completed a year on Feb 9th and we celebrated with a few close friends. As one of the mom's said, the first year is more a celebration for the parents than for the lil one, for you have survived!
The latest with Nidhi is that she is standing unsupported more and more and we are waiting for her to take her first steps. Her comprehension is very good, when she wants it to be. She has around 8-10 books and can correctly pick the one when I ask for it by its title. Is she a genius or not? :)
She has just one tooth so far, but fortunately no teething problems, except for biting me, which thankfully she has gotten over.
She has practically stopped sucking her thumb and am I so glad about that. I havent seen her do it since we moved back to London, at least that's something to cheer about. Other than that, her sleep is still erratic. And she is fussy about food. She does have a good appetite cos she can have bowlfulls of stuff she likes, BUT, she is very picky abt what she likes. This has even driven me to start a new blog, visit it here

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