Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Her prayers

2011, Sep 27
Me: Is there anything you want to ask God?
N: Yes, I want God to give me a kiss, right now.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Tit for tat

Nidhi is very upset that I have taken away her computer using privileges. She cries back:
4yo: Noooo...., because you gave me punishment you are not going to use the computer for the rest of your life.
Me: Why is that?
4yo: In the Bible Jesus said " Do to others what you want you to do to them"

Emails to Amma

2011, Sep 13
i like you. my sunflower has grown so tall. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I am explaining something to Nidhi and she keeps asking more questions. Finally she says:
"Give me a reason that I can understand."

When we got back home from India it was night time. The garden was overgrown and looked scary to Nidhi. A few days later when she found out that daddy was coming home, she asked whether it would be night when he arrived. I said yes. She thought a bit and said:
"Nothing is scary when daddy is here in the night"