Sunday, March 20, 2016

Arispeak and more

Ari pronounces words funny sometimes by inadvertently misplacing letters. For a long time he used to say 'beshoc' instead of 'because'. He still says 'aminals' for 'animals'.
He has learnt to recognise the letters in his name. Whenever he says an ' A' anywhere he yells " Look, that's my name!"
His number skills have improved and he recognises numerals to 10.
He currently loves watching Octonauts and Heroes of the City.
He does not like being told off, especially by his dad. He gets very sad, all teary eyed and trembling lips when his dad raises his voice. He is quick to make up however. A sorry and a hug and he forgets all unpleasantness. He is a happy boy most of the times. He dwells in the present. He is not mindful of how he moves and consequently falls or bumps himself often. But is not particularly bothered by them.
Things get broken around him a lot again because he is not thoughtful if how he handles things.
Mealtimes are messy. Food and especially drink end up on the floor quite a bit.
He is getting quite good at riding his bike and the scooter.


S A said...

Nice to read on Ari. Please do keep writing.

Me & Ro said...

thanks Soumya