Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Weaning Child #2

The funniest thing happened today. Ari woke up from his nap just as I was finishing dinner. I held him as I drank water and gave his sister her after dinner sweet. As I put the dinner things away, opening cupboards, closing food containers, etc, looking at me handling all this food I guess it got a bit much for him. When I reached into a box and got out an after dinner treat, he could take it no more. He instantly reached out for my hands and directed it to his mouth. The texture of the sweet however was unexpected and he took it out again. I knew then that I have waited too long to start Ari on solids. I'd assumed bf would be as smooth as it was with Nidhi. But as it turns out our little man was keen on our food for a while now. When mum was still here she commented on how he watches us when we eat. Though I noticed it as well I never gave much thought to it as I'd intended on exclusive bf until 5 months and then gradually introduce solids as I had with Nidhi. But he did not take to bf as easily. After month 3, his weight gain plateaued. This was not helped by the fact that he was more mobile than Nidhi was at the same age.
Anyway we're going to start with solids now and see how he takes it.

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