Monday, October 17, 2011


Nidhi loves sums and is always asking to do them. Yesterday she wanted to do them when she was getting in for a bath. So I asked her an easy one, "What is 6 and 4?"
Nidhi: "Noooo, give me a difficult maths. Give me the most difficult maths you know."
Me (thinking I'll end it with one question): "What is 65 and 35?"
Nidhi: "65 and 10 is 75, 75 and 10 is 85, 85 and 10 is 95." (pause) "So, 95 and 5 is 100. It's 100."

And we did this several times over ending with 43 and 37 = 80.

She's a genius!

1 comment:

S A said...

Brilliant didi! She is a genius, indeed!