Friday, January 06, 2012

Story #2 and other things

Another story she wrote during the Christmas holidays. Sentence capitalisation is mine. She added the fullstops on her own, after every sentence, after she finished writing the story. I helped her with the following spellings: elephant, naughty, anybody

Tiger and elephant were frends. They loved each other a lot.
They were naughty. They loved each other more then they loved anybody in the world.
Even God and Jesus.
God and Jesus was very upset with tiger and elephant.

4yo: Mummy, how do you know there is heaven and hell?
Me: Because it says so in the Bible.
4yo: But Bible may be a fairytale

4yo: Mummy, when will God talk to me or send an angel to me?
Me: When he wants to Tochi.
4yo: But when will he want to? I have been waiting for so long. I've been waiting for 4 years!

I can't wait to see God!

4yo: Who is God's wife and daughter?
Me: He doesn't have any.
4yo (angrily): That's not possible. Ok, maybe he does not have a daughter. But he must have a wife or how can he have a son?

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