Another story she wrote during the Christmas holidays. Sentence capitalisation is mine. She added the fullstops on her own, after every sentence, after she finished writing the story. I helped her with the following spellings: elephant, naughty, anybody
Tiger and elephant were frends. They loved each other a lot.
They were naughty. They loved each other more then they loved anybody in the world.
Even God and Jesus.
God and Jesus was very upset with tiger and elephant.
4yo: Mummy, how do you know there is heaven and hell?
Me: Because it says so in the Bible.
4yo: But Bible may be a fairytale
4yo: Mummy, when will God talk to me or send an angel to me?
Me: When he wants to Tochi.
4yo: But when will he want to? I have been waiting for so long. I've been waiting for 4 years!
I can't wait to see God!
4yo: Who is God's wife and daughter?
Me: He doesn't have any.
4yo (angrily): That's not possible. Ok, maybe he does not have a daughter. But he must have a wife or how can he have a son?