Monday, November 29, 2010

You surprise me

We are playing 'doctor-doctor'. Nidhi is the doctor and picks up a notepad and pen to give me a prescription. She uses a whole sheet of paper, and writes letters all over the page, to prescribe 'P-a-r-i-s-i-m-o-l-l'.

That's her single-handed attempt at spelling Paracetamol.

Some of her remarks on the phone to Amma today:
"I want to get married in summer"
"Last night God disturbed my sleep"

Talking about her birthday
3yo: Can we have a party outside in the garden for my birthday?
Me: It will be very cold in February, Tochi
3yo: No, we can wear coats
Me: It will be cold. Everyone would like to be indoors, no one would want to be outside.
3yo: (getting upset) Nooo... I want to have a birthday in summer

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