Saturday, November 22, 2008

Word associations

Our night time routine now includes story telling. We listen to thirsty crow, greedy dog and hare and the tortoise every night. Sometimes we tell the story together,
Me: Once upon a time there was a ..
N: crow
Me: He was very ..
N: thirsty
Me: He flew all around looking for ..
N: water
Me: But the only water he could find was in a ..
N: tall jug

Nidhi will nowadays associate random things based on a single word. While listening to the story of the greedy dog, for instance, when we come to the part where the dog is crossing a bridge on a stream, she will say "like Thomas" (from a book on Thomas the tank engine where he is crossing a bridge) or she will say "like while you were sleeping", and when I show that I dont understand, she will say "six deer jumped over a silvery stream" (from her book 'While you were sleeping'). Her memory continues to amaze me.

Weaning is proving difficult, as I had expected it would be. I am putting my foot down about feeding outside home, and am trying to reduce day time feeds. She has a healthy appetite and feeds only for comfort or to get my attention / time.

She enjoys peeling oranges. She was watching me do it once and I let her have a go. Initially the activity kept her engaged for a good 15 minutes, but these days she does it in under 2 mins. Of course, these are the smaller oranges (mandarins, clementines). She understands small and big and keeps pointing out the difference in things on her own - small milk (1 pint bottle) and big milk (2 pint bottle), for instance.

She knows colours red, blue, yellow, orange, green, purple, pink, black, white and recently brown.

She understands the word 'belongs' which I thought was a tough one. Today at the restaurant, she pointed at her drinking cup and said "belong Tochi" , then at my glass and said "belong mummy" and then at Rohan's glass and said "belong daddy".

She has learned how to raise her eyebrows and has great fun doing it and making us do it. It had her squealing with delight for quite some time today.

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