Friday, March 14, 2008

First words, first steps

Nidhi's vocabulary is rapidly expanding. Its another thing that few people would understand her! Her first word was 'bye', copying me one Sunday morning when I hung up the phone after speaking to my mom :) She calls me mummy, immy or mee depending on the urgency of the situation. Ro is daddeee or diddeee. The rest of the vocab includes - ba (ball), aapee (aeroplane), pee (pin), baboo (balloon) and ca (car).
Yesterday she took her first steps. When she knew I was thrilled by it she tried doing it again and again, even on the bed. I held her hands and made her walk the length of the room and delightedly told her that she was 'walking'. Today, when I tried asking her, if she would like to walk, she obediently crawled to where I was standing, stood up in front of me and held out her hands so that I could make her!!


S A said...

Wow!That's really a milestone in Nidhi's life. Feels so good that she even started to address you as Mummy!

Sudhām said...

cannot wait for Mithila to start talking..she has started mouthing papa papa and thatha thatha..though i'm sure she does not associate these sounds with me or her granpa, it does feel nice that the probability of the first word being papa is exciting...chaalu as I am have started pointing to myself everytime she says papa papa papa...
love to the lil one...guess london will turn her into a propah laydee who'd want her tea with cookies!!!