Sunday, November 19, 2006

Mama's unwell

That's me again. Down with sore throat and feeling feverish and weak since yesterday. The last time I managed to keep it from getting worse with rest and warm water. This time I guess I was a little lax. Woke up this morning feeling none the better. This means we are unable to keep our appointment for lunch at Jane's place which I was so looking forward to. Also, Ro has had to do all the flat hunting this weekend on his own. We need to move to a bigger place before bubs and my mummy arrive cos the current 1br is just enough for our needs. The thought of moving at this stage is unsettling no doubt, but it needs to be undertaken. Our hope is we dont have to move very far so that I get to keep the same hospital at least. We will know by next week.

I had another GTT this week and fortunately dint get a headache like the last time. Had also carried along some reading material so the two hours passed before I knew it. Coming up next week is the second midwife visit and the start of our antenatal classes.

I have noticed an increase in appetite lately. Earlier I needed Ro to polish off the leftovers. These days I am restraining him from another helping so that I can help myself instead :) Bubs' movements also have become much stronger. I can now feel them like kicks. Some movements are like waves like she is gently turning inside. Some are like rapid regular beatings like she is knocking against the walls :) We have even felt her head at times (at least that's what we think it is - smooth and hard). When we feel around for her however she immediately changes positions. My abdomen also assumes different shapes now based on how she has positioned herself inside. Being able to watch the movements on the surface is always pleasing and amusing.

I read that the baby assumes the birth position (head down) sometime towards the 36th week. Was wondering if they remain in that upside down position for the next 3-4 weeks until birth. That must feel strange!! Also the normal position for them to be born is facing backwards i.e. towards the mother's backbone.

No doubt the pregnancy is teaching me a lot of interesting things.

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