Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Embarrassing moments

We are waiting at the school playground for Nidhi. Ari who has been sitting at the bench next to me decides he wants to go check out the drinking water fountain. He gets up, puts his pretend glasses down on the table, points at the octogenarian sitting opposite us and says loudly
"Make sure this man doesn't take my glasses."
I, trying not to look at the man and hoping he hasn't heard or understood, say "I'm sure he doesn't want them. He's got his own."

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Teaching Ari

When Nidhi does homework or learning, Ari likes to do something too. I've given him one of Nidhi's pre-school books to work through. Yesterday we were doing a page on phonics and initial sound recognition. This is how it went;
Me: What is this picture?
Ari: A dog
Me: Yes. What sound does 'dog' begin with?
Ari: Woof

And again, with 'balloon' and 'pop'.

Truly, he gives us so many unexpected moments to laugh out loud.

Thursday, April 07, 2016

And he's off..

On Easter Sunday we took the kids to the local Tesco which has a huge carpark. As the store was closed, the carpark was empty. Perfect for practising Ari's cycling skills we thought. Rohan raised the stabilisers so Ari could not support himself on them. Ari thought he would not be able to cycle like that as he could not start off. But when we explained that that was how Nidhi and daddy cycled, he was off in no time. Within minutes he was racing his sister, pedalling away like anything. He also learnt to start off and stop safely in no time. Wanted no help from us. Very proud of this little fellow.