Ari is 2y and 4 months now and is speaking much more. His rate of language acquisition is not as great as his sister. Also he seems to pick up most of his language from listening to her. He uses phrases that he has heard her use at various times in response to me. I notice that even though he does not understand the meaning of the phrase, he responds appropriately based on the tone of my voice of what I have said. Couple of these are "Hmph! Serves you right!" or "Stop saying gagagaga". Goes without saying that the sister and I don't seem to be having the most loving of conversations most of the times :-)
The other day Nidhi was saying she would like to be a builder of some famous building when she grows up. This was after we had a brief chat about the Taj Mahal. Ari interrupts with "When I grow up.." As he paused I asked him "When you grow up what?". He said "One hundred children". Nidhi and I burst out laughing.