Sunday, October 30, 2011

Odd and even

Rohan has taught Nidhi to identify odd and even numbers based on what they end with. So 0,2,4,6,8=even and the rest are odd.

I have recently been trying to teach her the concept that, while even numbers divide equally into 2, with odd numbers you are left with an 'odd' 1.

She easily identifies odd and even numbers based on the knowledge that daddy has taught. So daddy was asking her large numbers (>100) and she was getting them all right. And she was reasoning it on the ending digit.

When faced with the number 20, she said 'even' and then thought a bit and said "Because two tens make 20, so you can divide it between 2"

Monday, October 17, 2011


Nidhi loves sums and is always asking to do them. Yesterday she wanted to do them when she was getting in for a bath. So I asked her an easy one, "What is 6 and 4?"
Nidhi: "Noooo, give me a difficult maths. Give me the most difficult maths you know."
Me (thinking I'll end it with one question): "What is 65 and 35?"
Nidhi: "65 and 10 is 75, 75 and 10 is 85, 85 and 10 is 95." (pause) "So, 95 and 5 is 100. It's 100."

And we did this several times over ending with 43 and 37 = 80.

She's a genius!

Sunday, October 02, 2011

Things they say

Oct 2, 2011
4yo: Mummy, when I grow up and get a husband I will not fight with him, like you.
Me: (thinking in my mind.. uh..oh!) No?
4yo: No, I will tell my husband that when I was a child I decided that I will not fight and argue with him.

Oct 11, 2011
4yo: Why did you tickle me?
Me: Because.... you looked like someone who needs to be tickled
4yo: Then next time I will kick you because you look like someone who needs to be kicked

October 18, 2011
Did God do Plan, Do, Review?